What stayed in vegas

Ok, I'm kinda messed up. I may have tried everything humanly possible. I have even let my "valued principles" down the drain. Yet, I can't fix the issue.

I had to attend a conference in Vegas. The NSSA conference, to be precise. It was not Hangover part 4 as I don't drink. It was more of a orange juice induced walk and gaukathon. Yeah, yeah I can go on and on about the place, the casinos, the lights and the award I won in the conference. However, that is futile as the pressing matter now is, I can't sleep.

When I say I can't sleep. I mean I can't sleep. It has been 3 days now, well before that it was two hours a night. To track back, my body clock is messed up thanks to the vicarious sleep patterns that were demanded by me in Vegas. I just can't get comfortable at night, you name it I have tried it now.

They said use vanilla essence, I did. They said work out alot, I did. I even consorted to medicine. Nothing, nada, zilch. The attempts haven't stopped there. I have even tried meditation, reading the gita and listening to mozart, vidyabhushan. You name it, I have tried it. 

However, this ridiculed delinquent state of mind has brought closer to something, I call positive time. The additional hours I have procured, whilst the whole world sleeps has helped me attempt things that I wouldn't have. Well, fundamentally because I wouldn't have time to do that. This made me think of what Albert Einstein says about Time. Well he states, time is an illusion. Since, I am not confined to this illusion anymore. It has changed me holistically, if one can attempt to put it that way. As an obsessively, introspective guy who has been fascinated on how systems work. What I could deduce was if we break or convince that as Einstein says Time is indeed an illusion. The possibilities are endless. However, the strangest thing is the amount of energy I still possess after not sleeping. I run 10 miles everyday, do all the work I usually do. Yet, I don't get tired. Sure, I look like an idiot. But, I have more time than anyone. I'm trying to learn languages, researching alot more and fascinatingly enough not getting bellowed by it. I don't know when this perspicacious episode will end or how it will end. But, I have sure learnt one important lesson. Time is what you make of it. Money doesn't matter, what only matters in life is knowledge. Knowledge to know that you can know at your expense and at a steady pace without constraints. Constraints of time, which one can imagine as an illusion and utilize it in the most imperative manner that one can. 

As they say Knowledge is power and time is an illusion. Makes you wonder, doesn't it.

Until the next one, May the Force be with you padawan.

